How To Make a Garden More Resilient In The Face of Climate Change

Man-made climate change may be an inconvenient truth, but it is a truth none the less, and one we will all have to face increasingly over the coming years. As gardeners, we are uniquely positioned to be able to adapt in positive ways to the changes we are all facing. Below you will find a brief discussion of some of the many ways to make a garden more resilient in the face of climate change:

Vegetable GardenGrow Climate Appropriate Plants

One of the best ways to weather any literal or metaphorical storms in our gardens is to grow plants that are well suited to the climate and micro-climate where we live. Choosing plants which are appropriate to the place in which they are grown is the key to successful, sustainable gardening practice.

Choose Heritage Seeds and Save Seeds For More Adapted Plants

When choosing what to grow, those interested in the long-term should consider going for heritage seeds rather than hybrid varieties. The seeds from heritage varieties can be saved and resown, allowing, over the generations, for the creation of plants that are even better adapted to the conditions where they are grown.

Permaculture gardenValue and Increase Diversity

Diversity is the key to sustainability. By maximising not just the number of different varieties and types of plant we grow but also the beneficial interactions in a system, we can increase its resilience. What is more, we can also increase the chances of success in the shorter term by making sure that we do not put all of our eggs in one basket.

polytunnelConsider Undercover Growing Areas

As climate change continues to bite, extreme weather will happen more and more frequently. Extreme weather events can decimate an outdoors garden, but plants grown under cover may be more likely to survive. By adding a greenhouse or polytunnel to our garden, we can make it easier to protect our growing crops from unusual weather events, and make it more likely that we will still enjoy a worthwhile harvest at the end of even the most extreme of seasons. Undercover growing areas in your garden will also make it easier to grow and eat your own food all year round.

Creating a more resilient garden is one of the many ways in which individuals can prepare for and adapt to a swiftly changing world.