Things To Do In April In Your Garden

In April, you will find that the jobs can really begin to mount up if you are not careful. This is the month when most of us will begin to direct sow seeds outside and during which many plants raised indoors will make the journey to their final growing positions. Here is a list of some of the jobs you might want to consider in your garden this month:

Twiggy Pea SticksJobs in the Vegetable Garden:

  • Prepare existing vegetable beds by adding compost if you have not already done so.
  • Build new raised beds to make gardening easier.
  • Direct sow many crops as soon as the weather warms, including radishes, parsnips, lettuces, cabbages and more. Harden off others before planting out.
  • Support pea plants with twiggy sticks.
  • Thin carrot seedlings to ensure they have enough space to grow.

Jobs in the Fruit Garden/Orchard:Strawberry Patch

  • Plant out a strawberry bed, covering plants with cloches to get an earlier crop.
  • Mulch fruit trees with a good, organic mulch.
  • Protect fruit blossoms with fleece if a late frost threatens.
  • Hand pollinate peaches and nectarines to get a good crop this year.
  • Sow and plant 'guilds' of companion plants for new fruit trees.

Jobs in the Flower Garden:

  • Lift and divide perennial plants this month to increase their vigour and add to plant stock.
  • Plant or pot on hardwood cuttings taken last year.
  • Tie in climbing plants such as roses to their supports.
  • Cut back any dead foliage that still remains so new shoots of perennial plants can grow.
  • Deadhead daffodils and tulips but allow their foliage to die back naturally.

Seedling With First True Leaves

Jobs Under Cover:

  • Clean out your greenhouse or polytunnel if you have not already done so.
  • Water more frequently, at least once a day in warm weather.
  • Pay attention to ventilation and make sure you leave doors open on sunny days.
  • Continue to sow lettuce, radishes and other quick crops under cover for successional harvests.
  • Prick out seedlings and pot up or plant out when they get their first true leaves.

General Garden Jobs:

  • Install water butts, if you have not already, to make the most of the April showers.
  • Make sure bird feeders are topped up to encourage birds into your garden.
  • Keep on top of the weeding as the weather warms up. Apply mulches to cut down on weeding.
  • Begin to mow your lawn as it grows but do not be tempted to mow when it is cold or damp.
  • Consider growing your own mushrooms.
  • Consider rehoming some battery hens to keep in your garden.