Things To Do In February In Your Garden

Spring is not quite here yet but it will be here before you do it and there is plenty you can do to get a jump start on the main growing season. Here are just some of the things you might get round to doing in your garden this month:

Compost on veg patchJobs In The Vegetable Garden

  • Mulch perennial vegetables well with rotted manure or garden compost.
  • Start sowing some seeds such as leeks and onions indoors now.
  • Weed and prepare vegetable beds with a thick layer of compost.
  • Take the chance to build new raised beds before the main growing season gets underway.
  • Start chitting potatoes if you have not already done so.

Protected treesJobs In The Fruit Garden/Orchard

  • Cut autumn-fruiting raspberry canes to the ground to stimulate new growth and cut summer-fruiting canes that have grown too high just above a bud.
  • Continue to prune apple and pear trees while they are still dormant.
  • Prune currant and gooseberry bushes to maintain a healthy framework before new growth begins.
  • Protect the blossom of apricots, peaches and nectarines from frost.
  • Place a thick layer of mulch or leaf mould around fruit trees but avoid piling up too much around the truck as this could cause rotting or other problems.

SnowdropsJobs In the Flower Garden

  • Lift and divide snowdrops before they bud or flower to move them or make new plants.
  • Plant out or pot up any hardwood cuttings from last year that are ready.
  • Plant out bare root roses before active growth begins.
  • Prune winter flowering shrubs/ plants when their display is ended.
  • Trim back winter flowering heathers so they do not get straggly.

Tomato seedlingsJobs Under Cover

  • Beware of low light levels when planting early seeds, but sow some seeds now to get the most out of the growing season, extended by your greenhouse or polytunnel.
  • Sow chitted first early potatoes in soil under cover as soon as the sprouts are about an inch long. (Protect plants from frost when they emerge with cloches or fleece.)
  • Consider sowing peppers and tomatoes inside if you have not already done so.
  • Continue to harvest winter crops such as winter salad leaves, Asian greens and brassicas.
  • Continue to pay attention to water and ventilation where required, though be careful not to overwater.

RobinGeneral Garden Jobs

  • Sort out all your seeds and tools and get organised for the busy spring period ahead.
  • Trim deciduous hedges before the birds begin to nest in them.
  • Trim back vines such as ivy on your home to keep guttering clear.
  • Take the time to learn more about your garden before the spring, consider getting a soil testing kit to help you plan for the season's growing.
  • Attract birds to your garden and keep them fed through the end of the winter.